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Create True Self Transformation
"what you seek is seeking you" Rumi
Sound Healing Sessions
Sound Healing helps to facilitate shifts in our brainwave state by using entrainment. Entrainment synchronizes our fluctuating brainwaves by providing a stable frequency - and since our bodies are (some say 50%, some say 70% water) the brainwave can easily attune to the healing frequencies. By using rhythm and frequency, it becomes possible to shift our "normal" headspace from Beta state (normal waking consciousness) to Alpha (relaxed consciousness) and even Theta, where LOTS of deep healing occurs (meditative state, where internal healing takes place).
Sound Healing activates, balances and clears the Chakras - which are part of our Manamaya Kosha (the Mind); specifically, our first 3 Chakras deal with our Physcial Body - Anumaya Kosha and our 6th & 7th Chakra are connected to the Intuitive body -Vignanamaya Kosha - but to be clear, ALL of our Chakras are connected to the mind.
This is very important for some people because Sound Healing is one of the ONLY ways they feel completely relaxed from the mind, and truly able to "let go".
Sound Healing is highly recommended for those who have stressful lives, emotional blockages, issues sleeping, pain in joints or body - alternatively, people with illness. Or anyone who wants to experience deeper into themselves !
Sound Healing will help you gain mental clarity, expand your consciousness, influence non-ordinary planes, develop greater spiritual awareness, have a rich creative life, express yourself, manifest your personal essence, access deeper levels of insight, develop your imagination, align you to your intuitive body, experience deep relaxation, more joy! and much more.
Weekly or Bi-monthly sessions
Private sound healing event

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